S / X / S+X, DUAL DRIVE per axis
The 11m antenna model of Zodiac Data Systems is a field and time proven product delivered to customers for daily and demanding operations in the fields of Earth Observation LEO satellites tracking & direct tasking (X-band Rx or X-band Rx + S-band Rx/Tx) and also for LEO and GEO satellites TT&C (S-band Rx/Tx).
The 11m solution, once coupled with the 600W high power feed, allows powerful transmissions suitable for demanding LEOP cases and also for Emergency TT&C. The feed in this case is powered thanks to a 1kW SSPA, also designed and manufactured by Zodiac Data Systems.
The very robust and solid design of the system ensures the best performance for mission-critical applications: aluminum-alloy reflector for increased surface accuracy, SCM tracking feeds for reliable and accurate tracking, dual drive for motors redundancy and no-backlash…
Zodiac Data Systems also extends the antenna offer to turnkey ground stations thanks to the complementary Cortex series and RF product lines for both space-ground and air-ground applications.
Main Features
- Full motion Elevation/Azimuth/Train pedestal providing full hemispherical coverage
- Single band (X/S) or dual band (S+X) configurations available
- No backlash and redundant motors thanks to dual drive for Az and El axis
- Monopulse feeds for high accuracy tracking
- Standard S-band Tx feed available with EIRP up to 62dBW
- High power S-band Tx feed available for Emergency TT&C and LEOP with EIRP up to 71dBW
Main Benefits
- Full motion time-proven pedestal suitable for LEO tracking and LEOP supports
- Reliable and field proven hardware design with built-in motor redundancy
- High precision tracking thanks to Single Channel Monopulse (SCM) tracking feeds in S- and X-bands
- Simple motor cabinet maintenance thanks to embedded platform with ladder