Navy and Coast Guard ships rely on their Command & Control systems in order to manage the force. A uniform tactical picture is created by transferring reliable data between participants via wireless data-link. The Fleet Data Link Unit (DLU), provides digital Datalink capabilities using standard voice radios.
The need
Coast Guard C² data is generally provided in a digital format, while wireless communication is usually achieved through analog transmissions. The quality of reception is directly affected by the method of transmission, rate of data flow, environmental conditions and more. Unfortunately, the wireless medium is shared by many users, creating opportunities for loss of data as a result of simultaneous transmission.
Transferring similar data to many recipients (broadcast) is necessary in creating a successful data-link in the naval arena.
The complexities described above present an obstacle to the implementation of a successful data-link over the wireless medium.
The FDLU is a multiple Participant Naval TDMA data link .It updates ship’s Command & Control via existing ship’s radios, (HF, VHF, UHF, L Band, S Band) and INMARSAT. The FDLU is built for large number of participant ships using broadcasting and peer to peer communication. Data rate is up to 19,200 KB/sec. The FDLU is a master-less system that enables a fleet of ships to share same C2 picture.
The FDLU is connected to the local Command & Control Center and updates other participant ships with the local situation (Radar Sensors etc’) in order to generate ‘the Arena Picture.