MAG 150

Station for extraction and test data analysis

MAG 150 is the perfect tool to extract test data from various media, recorder, flash memory, data files … and from various sources. The synchronization between the sources respects very high accuracy. The video and voice extracted can be replayed, synchronized with other sources. MAG 150 can be completed with MAGALI analysis software for post-processing analysis of every parameter included in the data streams.

MAG 150 manages data from different sources : telemetry with format IRIG 106, CE83, CCSDS, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, Analogue, Serial, Ethernet, Video, Voice.

MAG 150, after extraction, stores the data onto disk with standard formats.

With MAG 150 working station, reading can be made directly either on the recorder or on extracting raw data.

Main Communications


Manages all media, IRIG Chapter 10 compatible.


Manages the HEIM DATAREC recorder. Format 2 ,3 ,4
All Series (DATaRec4, D20, D120, D200, … GSRxx).


ACRA memory card (MEM003/MEM004).


ZODIAC Data System memory card.


TTC memory card (MSSR 2000).

MIL-STD-1553 conversion module

The module extracts data from MIL-STD-1553 canals.
Messages are extracted from blocks and the different messages are decommuted and time stamped for the datation coded on the tape.

They are then stored onto disk. All parameters included in the messages can be decommuted and converted in engineering unit values.

ARINC 429 extraction module

The module extracts data from the ARINC 429 canal.
Packets are extracted from the blocks and different canals are decommuted and dated from the datation coded on the tape.

All parameters included in the messages can be decommuted and converted in engineering values.

Serial extraction module

The module extracts data from the Serial canal (RS232, RS422, …).
If data respects standard format, parameters can be extracted, converted in engineering values then visualized and processed with MAG150 functionalities. Packets are stored onto disk with raw data format.

Ethernet extraction module

The module extracts data from an Ethernet stream.
If data respects standard format, parameters can be extracted, converted in engineering values then visualized and processed with MAG150 functionalities. Packets are stored onto disk with raw data format.

AFDX extraction module

The module extracts data from an AFDX stream.
If data respects standard format, parameters can be extracted, converted in engineering values then visualized and processed with MAG150 functionalities. Packets are stored onto disk with raw data format.

Control Module

The control module communicates with the device or other support : memory card, disk, to transfer data blocks. A control window controls the recorder/reader and display information : read, stop, backward, forward, positions on block, event, record or time. The displayed information is the time, event and running record.

Data transfert

During transfer, MAG 150 reads data blocks, extracts packets from the different sources, parameters and block information (IRIG time). Data blocks and extracted sources packets can be stored onto disk for replay or post processing. From the file created, included parameters will be extracted and visualized.

Test configuration

The test configuration gives all information to detail the content and data format. It is organized in input masks on a logic graphic tree diagram, with respect to canal organization, and related decommutation modules.

For each canal, the main elements to define are : content, frame structure according to format (PCM, 1553, ARINC 429, …), the parameter list to be extracted , with : definition (position bit number, type, …), and its conversion function in engineering value. With this module, it is also possible to define graphic displays for data display during reading or replay.

Video extraction module

The module extracts video packets from the tape. The video streams can be viewed during real time or in replay mode. The display is synchronized with the parameter display issued from the other sources (PCM, 1553, analogue, …) using recording datation. Datation or parameter value can be inserted in video display. Several video canals can be visualized, each of them are synchronized. All canals can be displayed on the same monitor, or distributed on different ones including PAL monitors.

PCM extraction module (telemetry)

The module extracts data from the PCM streams.
Data are received in bit streams. It is necessary to apply first a decommutor module to get the minor frame, then to apply a decommutation module to extract the parameters (for example : IRIG 106 decommutation module).

Decommutator module :

The decommutator module allows both synchronization and extraction of the minor frames included in the input bit stream. This synchronization is made on a search strategy – control – lock. It allows a tolerance on the number of error bits and on the slip bit number (16 max). From the minor frames, different decommutation modules can be applied, IRIG 106, CE83, CCSDS…

The main features are :

  • Word length: 3 to 32 bits
  • Minor frame length: 2 to 16383 words
  • Major frame length: 1 to 1024 minor frames
  • Bit order: MSB/LSB first
  • Synchronization: Up to 64 bits
  • Sync error tolerance: 0 to 15 bits
  • Sync slip tolerance: 0 to 15 bits

RIG 106 decommutation module :

The module decommutes PCM streams with IRIG format. It is active in real time (during transfer or acquisition) and in post processing (after data storage). The module manages decommuted, sub-commuted or super-commuted parameters as well as embedded messages. The parameters included in the minor frames can be decommuted and converted in engineering value.