Acquisition, analysis, communication
Core of our telemetry acquisition system, MAGALI software is a test-oriented product. The complete and advanced real time function meets the various test engineer requirements : test organisation and configuration, acquisition, real time processings, visualization, replay, storage, data distribution.
The structure of MAGALI Real-Time is based on a kernel with various services. It manages inputs and output streams (I/O streams). This kernel allows high speed or low speed acquisition. With this modular architecture, it is easy to add new I/O streams.
Visualization can display data from several acquisition systems, by using the Distributed Network Architecture (NDA).
Organisation and test preparation
Tree diagram files & directory management, easy management for multiple tests, test distribution on network, save tests on different formats and media (zip, DAT, …).
Configuration of the monitored equipments in acquisition and generation, definition of the storing and acquisition conditions, definition of real time processing, alarms and visualization, import/export, configuration for automatic preparation.
Real time test
Synchronization and monitoring of acquisition and generation systems, generation of processed channels, outputs and distribution on network, alarm and action triggering on condition, real time data visualization and processing.
Data handling and preliminary analysis, acquisition validation, raw data display, data Import/Export (ASCII, binary, Matlab, specific, format).
Runs with data already acquired, same functions than real time, tape recorder-like monitoring : Fast or slow forward, pause, …
Many display formats for data and graphic processings, visualization according to time or according to other signals, multi-axes, multi-frame marks, charts, cursors, loop with advanced functions, test report edition, possibility to add comments, mimic diagrams can be customized with a user friendly Graphics Editor.
With the NDA architecture (Network Distributed Architecture), the different real time functions can be distributed on several systems connected together.